
Cleaning up your social media profile for prospective employers

College students and recent graduates looking for jobs are learning what’s on their social media accounts can impact their odds of getting that dream position.

A Harris Poll for Career Builder found:

  • 70 percent use social media to screen job candidates
  • 54 percent say social media content has caused them to reject someone

Business owner Matthew Sliver says social media is extremely important when looking for a new hire.

One of the first things he does is look check a candidate’s Instagram.

Red flags include risque posts, drinking and partying pics, and anything too political.

"You would be really really surprised the stupid stuff people put on their social media," said Sliver. "It will prevent you from getting a job right, it absolutely will. "

But don't dump your accounts altogether; 57 percent of employers are less likely to consider you, if you don't have any social media.

Steps to clean up your profile:

  1. See what's out there.  Use a larger search engine like Google and see what comes up.
  2. Delete all inappropriate posts and photos
  3. If you can't delete yourself, ask the website directly to delete it.
  4. Check the internet archive using the "wayback machine"
  5. And you'd be surprised.  I had a blog site from 1997 that was still on the way back machine."
  6. Make your social accounts private -- or do a temporary shut down
  7. If the damage is already done, come clean to employers

The good news: employers aren't just looking for your bad behavior.

Posts about volunteer work and creative projects can increase your chances for employment.