
Subway kindness goes viral

NEW YORK — It's cold outside, but it's especially cold for people who can't afford proper coats, hat and gloves.

When a New York man riding the subway noticed another man sitting shirtless, he decided to do something about it.

Miren este Video Wow Este hombre se merese muchas bendisiones por la buena accion que Hizo  Dios Lo bendiga amen y aPrendan  y Lo hizo sin esperar nada acambio nesesitamos más personas como el SI ALGUIEN LO CONOSE ETIQuETELO God bless him

Posted by Läzaro El Feo on Friday, January 8, 2016

The act of kindness, all caught on camera, shows the man giving the stranger his own shirt and hat. He actually puts the shirt and hat on the man.

The video has been viewed more than 10 million times on Facebook. 

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