
Sandy's aftermath: could Boston handle flooding?

BOSTON (FOX 25 / While New York City deals with the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, many in Boston are wondering how Boston would handle flooding.

FOX 25's Nicole Jacobs set out in search for answers on Friday. She says that it is hard to say how things would play out unless and until it happens, but that state officials say they would do everything in their power to ensure the public's safety.

Transportation Secretary Richard Davey discussed the matter while opening a new bridge in Hanover on Friday. He says they've done their best to assure the state's readiness.

"We do know a couple of areas that are sensitive and even with this storm we did have employees on standby to sand down at the Kenmore corridor," says Davey.

Flooding in New York consumed the transportation system, tunnels, subways, and infrastructure.

Architect Vernon Woodworth thinks that just like New York, Massachusetts is not equipped to handle massive flood waters.

"The buildings are susceptible to flooding and also to wind," says Vernon. "The wind can cause minor damage such as roof lose and major damage such as building failure."

Logan's airport runways are one major example of what likely would be underwater.

Vernon says standard storm water management is based on a 100-year-old flood, which in Layman's terms is a flood that statistically has a one-percent chance of occurring in any given year. The architect says that definition needs to change and so do building and infrastructure regulations.