
Boston College students leaving doors unlocked causing problems

BOSTON ( -- Students who are leaving doors to their off-campus apartments near Boston College are reporting break-ins, though there seems to be some debate over what those break-ins involve.

Over the past two to three years, Boston police officers have received reports of unknown people coming into apartments.

But according to, though nothing has been taken and no one has been assaulted, a man has been breaking into the off-campus homes of BC students to watch them sleep or tickle their feet. A Boston College student journalist say there have been sightings of the tickler over the last two years, with the most recent break-ins happening on April 7.

Incidents have been reported in the area from Lake Street to South Street in Brighton, the student reported. Victims say the man wears dark clothing and jolts out of the room when they wake up.

The college's public affairs director, Jack Dunn, says administrators have never received any student reports, and the police have never contacted the college about any person suspected of tickling students.

Boston police say they are investigating, but as of now they have no hard evidence to move forward with a case.

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